
How do I fix the following problem with a window?

by Guest63575  |  earlier

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5.The balance springs in the first bedroom window are damaged and not functioning properly, this needs to be corrected.

This is required to be fixed to sell out house. It was reported on the home inspection.




  1. Without the ability to see the window, you won't get an accurate answer.  There are many types of balances that have been used over the years.  Call a glass shop and get an experienced window guy to fix it for you.

    Perhaps you can look at other windows in the house that are working and figure out how to fix that one.

    Simeon - any double hung or single hung type window has some sort of balance spring, even brand new crappy vinyl windows.

  2. First try to determine what brand of window it is.

    Andersen windows have a really small logo etched in the corner of the glass. If it is Andersen,Pella,Crestline,Peachtree call your local lumberyard and ask the window rep from that company to stop and see your window.

    If it is an off brand window I would call a contractor and have him/her give you price on either a new replacement window or try to find new balance springs for the one you have.

    It is just that simple.

    Good Luck.

  3. The window slides up and down. When you slide it up, it stays put (or is supposed to).

    If the balance springs or balance weights are broken, the window frame has to be taken apart and the balances fixed - depending on how old the house is, that can be as simple as replacing two lengths of rope, or as complex as rebuilding the whole spring set.

    Either way, you need a handyman or window professional to do the job. Plan on spending a hundred dollars or so getting it taken care of.


  4. get a handy man it will be cheap and easier if u dont know how to do it ull spend more time trying

  5. You specifically mention window springs, so Im going to assume you have a vinyl double hung window.

    If they are actually damaged, they'll most likely need to be replaced.  (The springs... you normally do NOT have to replace a whole window frame just because the springs are bad, lol)

    Most of the time though, its a simple matter of adjustment.

    Quite often the spring itself is covered with a small piece of trim, which can be pried out.

    Service techs often have a special tool to hook onto the spring to adjust it, but you can use a pair of pliers.

    Slide the window up just a bit, so you can tilt it forward (for tilt out windows).  You should now be able to unhook the spring from the bottom of the window.  The spring usually has a 'rivet', or 'pin' thru the end of it, and this hooks into a receiver.... if you push down on the spring, you should be able to get it out from under the 'catch'.

    Rotate the spring, so it is 'wound tighter', to increase the 'lift' on the window sash.  You'll want to do both sides about the same, to keep it from getting in a bind.  If the window sash itself is in your way, to make this adjustment, you can remove it.

    Some hardware, or building supply stores do carry new spring assemblies, if you need to replace the one you have.

    To replace a spring assembly, tilt the window forward, and give it a twist.... lift up one side or the other.... and the sash comes right out.  There is usually a s***w at the top holding the spring in place.

    Ive done a lot of window adjustments like this, in mobile and modular homes, with double hung windows.  Doesnt take long, just remember to keep the two springs at the same tension.  IF youve happened to have overtightened the springs, you'll find the window has to be 'pushed' down the last couple of inches... simply unwind a little tension from the springs.

    Just a side note.... Use a little spray wax to lubricate the tracks on the side of the window frame.  Never use an oil based lubricant (and this includes most silicon sprays) on vinyl.

    Have Fun

  6. The window was made either before or after WWII.  I suggest you replace the window with a new vinyl one.

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