
How do I fix the mess I've made?¿?¿?

by Guest31646  |  earlier

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so I have this friend and she's on of my best but she's rude to me and makes fun of thngs I do. I have an iPod touch so I can go on the Internet so we had a sleep over and she has nexopia but she's hooked on it she'll be at a friends house and won't leave the computer! Anyways I limited her to ply like ten miniutes on my touch at a time then I went on it a tiny bit and every time I checked my email she'd freak! Then a couple weeks later I was at her house and she wouldnt let me check my email when she was on nexopia while I watched! She makes fun of the way I speak and the music I listen to! She acts like I'm dirt and she's too important! So the other day I talked to her about it and she freaked out at me and told me that I dont no how bad it can be and stuff and that I dont get her! My life isn't as glamorous as she thinks! I have a brother that is horrible to me and bullies beyond belief! How do I get my best friend back? Or should I even try?




  1. no u shouldnt and yell at her the next time she trys to tell u what to do

  2. She doesn't really sound like the optimum best friend. I think you need to get a new best friend. She has her own interests at heart, not yours.

  3. u should get a new bf and forget her, offense but she sounds like a *****!!! a real a*****e

  4. i think you should move on. find a new best friend and don't even try getting back with your best friend. if she respected you then she wouldn't do that. she's not a real friend

  5. I wouldn't waste your time, she's a control freak.  

  6. well i don't thin you should just forget about her orr that shes an a*****e... i thin thAt maybe you should give her a chance.. maybe listen to what she has to say and see what she means by you don't understand her.. I know you said she your best friend but the way your making her sound is kinda bad I'm guessing this is only her at her bad times but the way your describing her is making it seem like shes not someone who you should be calling your "best"friend but yeah try and hear what she has to say..  

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