
How do I fix the milk engine on my mothership?

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How to fix the milk engine on a saturn ring Mothership?

I was landing home on the third inner ring of Saturn and I sort of crashed my mothership. I had my friend Pingping try to fix it and he did great it looks good as new and it fly's better than ever but the milk engine is leaking a little bit and I'm lactose intolerant. Does anyone know what I can do?




  1. the stupid c**p that get asked in here

  2. Let it be.  The leak should coagulate in a few days.  If not, Valvoline makes a yogurt coagulator additive that's not too expensive.

    Best of luck and fly safe

  3. Put about half a cup of rolled oats in the tank, and run the engine full noise for about 3 rotations. The oats should seal the leak. Flush the porridge out, re-fuel, and you are on your way.


  4. HuH?

    what are you talking about?


    but it will cost about تمستهثتخ]]]ِخ カトリ500

    SO it´s up to you if you want ít fixéd.

  5. When you are finally born, I'd say about 2 more months you'll find those "milk engines" very useful, and you will not remember any of this.

  6. Try Silk. It's soy milk, It makes your engine run smoother anyway!

  7. um... are you still half asleep?

  8. Ok, here's how I fixed the milk engine on MY mother ship, waaaaaaay back in the year 0257813-2 when I was headed past the planet F****n and developed a leak...

    First, go catch a couple of those little furry Fuckinians. You know, the ones that look like Abraham Lincoln only with mohawk hairdos. Put them in your blender and puree until you have a green paste. Then you apply this paste to the hoozit capacitor on your milk engine and allow it to set up. BE CAREFUL not to apply any pressure to the substance after it hardens, however. It is pressure sensitive and reacts violently to the slightest impact.

    Fuckinians are pretty easy to catch too. All you have to do is put peanut butter on a napkin and they'll come to eat it, then you throw a cage over them. Of course if they happen to pee on you, you will die a horrible death.

    Have a nice day!  :)

  9. A milk engine can be repaired with Earths finest invention,Duck tape.You can find it anywhere except Saturn.

    Huh,is Earthling slang for many things.In this case it is"what the heck are you talking about"?

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