
How do I fix the overhead light / headlights chime in my 1996 Ford Explorer?

by  |  earlier

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Let me explain, when I open my driver side door, the overhead light doesn't come on. But when any of the other doors open, the overhead light does work. Also, when I leave my lights on, the chime doesn't go off. How can I fix this so that when I open my driver's side door the overhead light comes on, and when I leave my lights on, the chime will go off letting me know? Thanks for the help!!




  1. The switch on the drivers side door is bad. replace the switch. I had to do this and everything is fine now.  

  2. Sounds like its the switch on the door first you need to find out if its in the door jamb look all the way around the edge of the door sill on the car side not door side and look for a pinswitch if you find it wiggle it to see if the lights come on if the do just sand the contacts down if not get a new switch. if its not in the door sill then its in the door built into the latch which really isnt that hard to replace but you do need to take the door appart

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