
How do I fix this hair dye disaster!?

by Guest61577  |  earlier

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So I decided to dye my light reddish brown hair dark brown. I followed the directions exactly, and it's blue black with orange streaks! I don't know what is wrong, but I used a semi-permanent dye. I am in college so I have to make it through 2 classes tomorrow before I can go home and get it fixed. Will a professional be able to fix this disaster!? Or is it too late?

:( Help.




  1. Color-Oops !

    you can find it in the drugstore, it will take the dye out of your hair. you might have to look for it though, it's hard to find but they should have it where the hair dye is !

  2. I'm guessing you dyed over already dyed hair and not your natural hair?

    Go to a salon. Doing something at home just risks ruining it more. Try covering it the best you can. Wear it up in a ponytail, braid it, wear a hat or scarf. Just do whatever works and don't do anything until you can get it fixed by a professional.

  3. Believe me, it's happened to a friend of mine and a professional fixed it, so don't panic.

  4. It won't be too late, get a professional to fix it. And as for the lectures wear a hat? just kidding if you feel that sensativley about it, tell people it was a dare, or you did it to rasie money for charity or something :)

  5. Have a professional redo it :);...

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