Okay, I just created my Yahoo 360 page here. On other accounts that I had used previously it is different then this one for the settings. I am kind of worried about why that is! Please help!
On this account, it tells me that I have to post my name with a red asterisk while on the other one I did not. I have to write my first and last name.
The nickname is not surprising, I had to do them on both.
I have never seen this "Yahoo Identity Display" though, what is it?
I am forced to put my age on there but I am 17 not 18, although there is no room to put that I am 17 down. On the other account, I was able to keep my age at 17.
I have no idea, I haven't seen the "Mature Content" think before, I put no for this account.
On the next page, I was able to put (Just me, private) before, now I can't, instead the most secure I can get is Friends of Friends.
For the blog page, I was able to put (Just me, private) for the blog entry likely.
So, why do I have all these changes?