
How do I forget someone?

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I just hate it when i just remember her. I only feel bad when i think about it. I just want it gone!




  1. move on and find someone else to think about

  2. You need to keep yourself as busy as possible.

  3. There is no easy way to forget someone.

    Just get out and do things with other people! Don't sit around alone because that's when you'll get thinking about her. Get your mind off it by doing things outside! Get a new hobby! :D

  4. Oh Man, its just not that easy. It's gonna take a long time. You can date other people and do the whole rebound thing, and while that will distract you, it won't make you forget her. I don't want to sound negative, but i don't think you ever will forget her. You can never totally forget someone you once loved. But with time, a sometimes its a LOT of time, it won't hurt so much to think about her, and then it won't even hurt at all, and it will just be a nice memory. Until then, all you can do is take care of yourself, take some time to be sad and feel the emotions, and then do what you can to make yourself happy and distract yourself. You'll be over it when your over it, theres no rushing it.  

  5. Youll never fully forget someone, because if shes leaves a mark on you that makes you want to forget her, it means part of you will always to be attached to her.

    But the best way is out of sight out of mind, find someone new, or something to occupie your mind, youll forgot of her, and never see it, it could work.

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