
How do I gain access to restricted websites?

by  |  earlier

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I am in a country where I am blocked out of yahoo mail by the service provider. Is there any program that can help me gain access to yahoo mail?




  1. Now that's a scary ISP. Where are you?

  2. I don't think there is a program but maybe you can just circumvent it.. in HS we had website blockers that you could get around by going to google and searching for the webpage you are looking for and then going to it from there instead of typing in the URL... other than that.. um.. I can't think of anything off the top of my head... If you know anyone stateside, have them log into your yahoo email and forward your emails to another address that you can get to.. maybe try using internet at cafe's and stuff in hopes of a different ISP that allows more stuff.. where the heck are you... WHO BLOCKS OUT THE NET.. CENSORSHIP lol

  3. There are ways to do it but, in some countries like yours, the penalties if you get caught might make a quick death sound good.  Are you sure you want to try?

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