
How do I gain more weight? I am 5 ft. 1 inches, 18 yrs old and weight only 80 lbs. I look very thin.?

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My shoulder width is slim, my sleeves of my clotches always hangs loose, my jeans also hangs loose and waves around when i walk and I'm always afraid to where a t-shirt in public.




  1. wow. that's really unhealthy. Really unhealthy. Try to eat more... not junk.. healthy foods... but in bigger quantities. Eat a lot of protein... wow... i just can't imagine it. Please do not hurt yourself! Also, talk to your parents?

  2. do you come from a family of very think people?

    Usually the best and healthiest way to gain weight when you are underweight is to eat foods high in protein and carbohydrates pasta, bread, meats, peanut butter, nuts...don't spend a lot of time on salads for example and then don't do cardio muscle building exercise like situps, pushups...weights etc.  

  3. Honesty i have study this kinda of problem sometimes it can be a gentic disorder so id talk to you local doctor or go to the ER and they can really help find out why you can't gain  

  4. Bananas, ice cream, pastries, potatoes, butter, ...

  5. Just eat and eat and eat and eat it'll make u gain more weight....thats the most reasonable answer to me.....*(just don't make yourself sick)*


  6. Get some weight gaining supplements. There are simple supplements that give you about 1500 calories per shake. Try eating before you go to sleep.

  7. It really depends on our personal metabolism, if you eat a well balanced diet and proper proportion to your calorie intake.  I am 6'2" and i weight 140 pounds and am very thin as well, some people burn off foods fast, try increasing your calorie intake by 500 a day but just because your thin doesn't mean you are unhealthy. If you are vegetarian get put some more peanut butter into your diet if not eat some beef however eating mass amounts of junk food may cause your body to be stressed and speed up your metabolism and make you thinner or not gain any weight, and even if you do it will not be healthy weight and may cause lack of motivation and depression.

    In short increase your protein intake also get more carbs from pastas breads and cereal also it is important you are active during this time while this may cause you to burn calories it will also increase muscle mass filling in and toning your body and the protein will aid in this. remember to experiment and not go with this advice full blown see how your body reacts to diets and remember exercise is highly recommended.  

  8. Lulz at all these other guys saying you're anorexic. You're most probably naturally slim. To gain weight you'll need to eat more, but stay away from junk food. Eat lots of carbs (e.g. bread and pasta, wholemeal/wholegrains are better) - they're very energy dense so you get more calories per serving. Also eat lots of protein for muscle development (lean meat, fish, tofu, legumes) and as much vegetables/fruit as you can pack down in a day. Eat more healthy oils and fats, e.g. extra virgin olive oil and avocado.

    Weight lifting will also help to tone you up and build muscle, so head down to the gym and see if they can do up a personalised program for you. Do your cardio still, just don't overdo it - you still need cardio exercise to help stamina and cardiovascular health.

  9. Eat McDonald's 3 times a day, every day for a few months. That should do it.

  10. wow u r skinny, try really to eat some more when you feel full cause im sure that u get full fast like me( im 5'6 92lbs) and plus really try to eat some beef its low in fat and great for building some muscles  

  11. They have protein shakes and stuff made for that. My sister was in a similar situation, she didnt change much, it will take some time. Also remember that everyone is built differently, what works for someone may not for you.

  12. sounds like your anorexic. eat some double cheeseburgers from McDonald's'll gain a **** load of weight. just look at the rest of america it's happening to them.

  13. You need to exercise and build muscle; Twinkies and such won't gain wait on you to look like the average healthy person. If you do that, then you will just gain belly weight (a.k.a: a gut).

    1. Exercise

    2. Eat lots of healthy foods

    3. Gain the "average" amount of body fat that will be healthy for you in actuality.  

  14. Macdonald's

    burger king

    and mall food courts

  15. PIZZA



  16. protein will do it. I suggest hemp seeds because they are choc full of protein and essential fatty acids which will help you gain weight without looking fat.

    You can get 16 ounces here...

    Honestly i enjoy the taste. Its sorta sweet and nutty.

  17. oh my gosh..

    i'm your height and i weigh 96 pounds and i'm 14 :/

    lol makes me feel fat.  but anyways, just eat a lot.  maybe you should see a doctor.  maybe you have a major metabolism

  18. You prolly have a high metabolism, eat 3 healthy filling meals every day and you should be fine.  Um, you might want to go to the doctor because it could be a thyroid problem.  

  19. Eat Eat Eat, maybe go to the gym and lift weights, DON'T DO CARDIO, protein shakes help build muscle too

  20. melt ice cream in the microwave and drink it

    that'll help you gain weight fast

  21. work out and build muscle because i'm pretty you don't want to be fat.

  22. Eat more. Make sure your diet is balanced and work out too (not to lose fat but to gain muscles) then you'll look more fit after a while

  23. Talk to your doctor about this.

    They can probably give you healthy meals to eat everyday to gain weight.

    At 5'1 you should weigh 100-110 lbs.

    I am 5'1 and weigh 105 lbs.  

  24. !!!!add more calories & protein to your diet, then start exercising your legs and arms to gain muscle! (or where ever else you would like to gain weight, google exercising to gain weight)

    more weight, less reps = muscles

    less weight, more reps = leaner (which you obviously dont need)

  25. protein, but the most important thing is let it go, you are who you are. and go to a taylor,  

  26. Eat! that is always a good start

  27. Go to the store and buy protein drinks.. drink those and drink milkshakes. Really the simple answer (unless you have a thyroid problem) is to take in more calories then you burn.

  28. Consult a dietitian or a doctor. They have the best and usually safe asnwers for that.

    There maybe a problem with your body even though you are taking as much food as others or more so.

    Some people are naturally thin and don't really gain too much weight as they would like because of their body's metabolism.

  29. Well i researched in says for 5'1 18 year old male. you should weight about 125 as average. so u need to pack some meat.. Carbs are great way to gain weight..  

  30. umm well all i can say is eat, eat, and eat...and maybe workout.

    There are some techniques (from what I've heard) when working out that makes you gain weight rather than loose it.

    When you eat, don't eat really fatty foods because it's unhealthy. Eat lots and lots of healthy foods. Such as fruits or veggies and what not, and occasionally add in some carbs. Like pancakes with a lot of syrup.

    Check with your doctor and ask ways of gaining weight.

    But all I can really say is EAT A LOT OF FOOD! But healthy foods with the occasional junk food [as i wrote before].

  31. Well, if you want to gain weight, just eat more... but DO NOT OVER DO IT, you will lose your figure. Try to make an eating schedule of what you eat now, and add a few smallish meals in between your others. I'm really sure what else will make you bigger except eating more, good luck to ya!

    Hope you get what you want,


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