
How do I generate AC electricity?

by Guest64320  |  earlier

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I already know how to convert DC to AC, what I am looking for is a way to create AC. Perhaps creating AC directly will eliminate the power loss from the inverter. (just a guess)




  1. AC is generated automatically when a magnetized rotor and stator coils intereact.  While DC requires a commutator to catch the DC (or an alternator requires diodes), the poles of the moving magnet coils automatically give the AC.  

      The problem is that most AC devices have a requirement for an exact frequency (50 or 60 or 400 cycles per second) and that is maintained by very accurately spinning the generator - you can't just hook it up to a gasoline engine and let it run at any old speed.  

      Invertors are actually pretty efficient and of course there are losses in an AC generator.  For most practical purposes, to generate AC you need an extremely well regulated speed control on the driving motor.

  2. An AC generator (like a hand-crank), or an AC motor connected to a crank or wheel (like a hybrid car) that is spinning will constitute an AC power source.

  3. If you need A C at ANY voltage, remove the diodes from a car´s alternator, it will give you 3 phase, A C. The most practical thing to do, buy a A C gas generator. For  A C you need governed constant engine speed

  4. Bad guess. The most direct way is through the use of the common alternator that is spun by a "motor" of some kind. Examples being the portable ones to the giant machines at commercial power plants. Other than that, the 10% or so loss of power in versus power out is here to stay until we have Zero loss systems available to us. Our current universe and it's inherent losses limit efficiency, so for now, you are stuck with what we have.

  5. use an AC generator. The most simple one is the bicycle light generator that generates 6 volts AC output to light up the head light while the wheel is turning. It rotates a piece of round magnetic. The electric field is made of copper wires surrounding the moving magnetic. No brushes is needed. A great invention in the old day.

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