
How do I germinate garlic cloves?

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How do I germinate garlic cloves?




  1. More Garlic questions, I love it. Good tip to buy organic though the sprays that were mentioned really don't work in the long run. The link is a great one, have fun.

  2. Garlic is sprayed with a hormone that is supposed to stop them from sprouting but isn't 100% effective.  Keep a head in a cool place and hope to get lucky.  

  3. A head of garlic left out on a kitchen counter or wherever will eventually germinate...but placing it inside a paper bag should speed the process somewhat.

    Hey that IS a cool link posted below!

  4. If you keep it in your refrigerator long enough it will.  Though if your wanting to grow them just put them straight in the ground, there is no need for germination.  But buy only organic garlic if you want to do that or sometimes they won't grow.

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