
How do I get 3 kids to bed easily while babysitting? 10 points best answer!?

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There's a 4 year old, a 5 year old, and a 7 year old. They're never easy to get to bed, how can I get them to bed at thier bedtime?

10 points best answer with most detail and information and tips!

ps sorry I posted this here, I wasn't sure where else. :)

Thanks in advance!




  1. Engage them in some work the whole day

    Make rules and stick by them. If you don't, your showing a weakness.

    Please see to it that they listen to u , i mean to say become a leader.

    Even if they dont want to sleep bcoz ur first impression is the last one,they will sleep automatically

    See to it u dont hit them to make fall asleep,this will make a bad impression on them

    To make kids listen to u play with them when u get time

    Teach them good things.

  2. You could play a little game with them, who gets in bed the first or the one that never wakes up win a little something or a story before going to bed. The best way is to tire them a lot so they're really tired while going to bed. I fthey don't sleep it's because they still have too much energy.

  3. First of all don't do any activity that's very active before bed. It makes them too hyper. Also place them in bed and give them a book to read for about 20 minutes, then take it away. Also since your a baby-sitter. Ask the parents about the normal routine, They may be difficult because there not in routine, and follow the routine exactly. Finally don't give in to "just five more minutes" or "my mommy lets me do this" because if you give in just once, they will not respect your authority, and don't do anything different then the parents do!!

  4. i would get them ready like put pjs on and brush teeth. them put them in bed and read them a story. then turn off the lights crack the door with a light in the hall or next room on. and tell them time for bed if you get up i will but you in time out next time i babysit you. well make sure they have been to the bathroom. or you can tell them you will take something away they like. if they get up.

  5. Avoid everything sugary during the day, such at soda, candy, ice cream...etc. but- if it is too late for that.. you know how kids find what they want and get it...especially ice cream. ;)

    Then what you need to do is run all the energy out of them. 4,5 and 7 those are just the best ages. Take them outside.. play some ball before it gets to late, or even better a nice game of tag. Run them reaaaal tired then when they come inside instead of giving them some sugary kool-aid or some ice pops substitute it with perhaps some slightly warm milk. Not really warm! I mean, it issss summer you just want it where it isn't ice cold. Warm milk using calms them down. After you get them all settled get ready for bed time. Don't let them watch t.v becuase although that might 'relax' them.. trust me.. it wont relax them to fall asleep but to just regain their energy and belive me, you don't want that. Instead, get them dressed up into some p.js, brush their teeth and lay them down. If they get all whiney and crabby thats good thats a sign of being tired it will ware off don't you worry.. just deal with it and don't give in soon enough they will give up and lay down but don't walk away just yet becuase the minute you leave odds are these kids will jump right back up instead quietly read a bedtime story..when it is finished read it again dont pick up another one.. the idea is for them to listen and listen to it again till they are sick of it enough to just roll over and knock out.. once they do that your good.

    oh! also.. once you leave the room if one of them comes out like 30 minutes later or so.. just leave him be let him come lay down by you on the coutch becuase if you try putting him back in his room not only will you have to repeat the whole whiney crabby bedtime story scenerio, but odds are he will prob. wake up his siblings, then your really screwed..

    So, just keep it cool, tired them out, let them know bedtime is bedtime, don't give in, and happy babysitting. =]

  6. I used to play the quiet game, lol. I would explain that it's time for bed, but, if you can lay in your bed absolutely quiet and still for 20 or so minutes, then you can get back up for a bit. ( 9 out of 10 times all 4 of em would be passed out before time was up. If they got out of bed or cried, then time started over. Now, if it's way before bedtime, this won't work as the children aren't tired. Good luck!

  7. activities during the day are great. if any of them take naps make sure they wake up in time. starting about 1-2 hours before bedtime have a set routine (mine is movie (usually just a half hour), snack, bath/brushteeth, get in bed, story and bed.)  then they know that bedtime is coming and their brains are better prepared for it. keep them separate once they do get in bed and just keep double checking them to make sure they're staying quiet and in their beds. stay consistant and when you put your foot down keep it down. make important discisions before hand like water, nightlight, how many times you'll allow them to go to the bathroom, toys in bed, etc.

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