
How do I get Birth control?

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I have been on birth control for 3 years now. I have had a pap done, and I need a check-up to get one done again. Well, I just ran out of birth control, and I need to make an apt for a pap, but it takes like 3or more months to get in with my doc. I called the nurse and asked if they could provide me with birth control until i can have my apt, and she said no! I need my birth control. I am married and I have a son. When I got married we didn't plan on having a kid right away, and i wasnt on birth control, and we used a condom and it broke. and thats how i got pregnant. then like a couple of months ago, I had lost one of my pills (i have no idea where it went... maybe it droped out of my pack) but i called the nurse and she told me to use a condom for that week to make sure i dont get pregnant, and i did, well guess what.. the condom broke again! thank God I didnt get pregnant that time but if I have to wait 2 months to get an apt with the doc, and to get birth control, then it takes an additional 2 months before you can have unprotected s*x when you start back on the pill, what am i supposed to do? Me and my husband are really sexually active, and obviously the condoms dont work for us, so what am i supposed to do? I want to stick with my doc for the pap. he delivered my son, and knows me the best, and i dont want to go to anyone else. (plus, its a pain having to fill out all that info over and over again) is there a place i can go where they dont do paps, and I can just get my birth control? I am actyally supposed to start my new pack of birth control today, but that isnt going to happen cuz no one is open. I have heard of planned parenthood or whatever but I dont live close to one. And I know they provide birth control at health departments but they have to do paps, and i called them wednesday and a nurse was supposed to call me back but never did.... I just think that this is kind of rediculous considering that i have had a pap only a year ago and everything came out fine and i have been with the same s*x partner for over 5 years, and have been on the same birth control for 3 years, and the doctor wont even give it to me until I have another pap.




  1. go to planned parenthood theyll give u a yr supply for free if u tell them you have no income. and its fast  

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