
How do I get DSS to do their job????

by  |  earlier

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I am a teacher and one of my students, a 6 year old girl, has reported that she is beaten with a belt. Her little back is covered in bruises. She also complained of vaginal problems and said she had s*x with her 16 year old cousin. Another teacher, the counselor, and I have called DSS close to ten times. They think the child is making it all up. I saw the bruising myself today! Is it possible for a child to have severe bruising on her back for no apparent reason or from "normal" discipline? I am worried and frustrated.




  1. take pics. and take them to the police peoples!

  2. what about asking to talk to a supervisor at dss maybe have the cops come there with dss they will push them to investigate and if that doesn't work then contact a judge at the court house and see if they can get on dss to do their job don't stop trying though i am right there where that little girl was and my teachers turned it into the authorities too and it didn't do any good and they gave up please do not give up on her

  3. Bless you for paying attention to this little girl.  It appears DSS is taking the easy way out of this situation.  Please contact the police directly or request the principal to do so.  This sweet baby is begging for assistance.  Please don't let her down.  

    Who ever is telling you the little girl is making this up is a FOOL!  If this were a normal part of being a six year old's life then more of your students would be reporting the same aches and vaginal pains.

    Please, please, please call the authorities.  Sending you strength during this difficult time.

  4. Document the bruising  by taking pictures with a camera that has a time and date stamp.  Skip DSS if they aren't doing anything about it and go straight to your local police department or your state police.  Take the pictures to your local DSS office and demand to speak to the investigator on the case.  Don't give up on this little girl if you think she is telling the truth.  Threaten to take it to the press and call your local government representatives if you have to.  You should also have a main office in your state capitol that you can call and make a complaint.

  5. Go to the police or your local prosecuting attorney. Take pictures of her bruises if she still has them or new ones. That is all so disgusting.

    Oh, and all else fails, threaten all levels - the police, prosecutor and DSS, that you will take the story to the media.

  6. Oh, that just makes me want to cry.

    Document what the child says, and take photos if she will let you.  March into the DSS office yourself if you have to.

    If that doesn't work, call the police and see if their involvement does any good.

  7. Document it. Write down everything she has told you. Take pictures of the bruised back. Call the police, and report this. I am at a loss as to why DSS has done nothing when it's more than one person reporting it. Don't give up. Children rarely make this stuff up, and the bruises are proof that she isn't lying. Do what they tell kids to do, keep telling until someone believes you and does something about this.

  8. Some kids need a bit more punishing to get the point. Maybe shes one of those?

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