
How do I get GA to give driving privilages back after something that happened 6 years ago?

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I got a speeding ticket about 6 years ago in GA for doing 90 ina 50 zone while under the age of 21. They revoke licences for this and require that you take a 6 hour class and pay them so i can get this cleared up to get a license in another state. This is not possible in AZ where I live. All classes are 4 hours long and GA DMV keeps hanging up on me when they cant find an answer for me.

Is there a statute of limitations or something for this? I payed the ticket right away. What can I do to get finally be rid of GA for ever.




  1. I am betting the class had to be taken in GA. call the court where the ticket was issued and ask. Arizona cannot force GA to release your case.

  2. dont waste your time with the DMV. I would call the court clerk in the city the ticket was written,and ask what can be done.if you explain the circumstances,and are willing to cooperate,Im sure something can be done.

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