
How do I get More Points on yahoo fast!?

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How do I get More Points on yahoo fast!?




  1. answer q's

  2. answer questions ;)


  3. U could have just saved 5 points.

  4. ANSWER alot of questions

  5. choose ur answer as best answer with some another id or rate ur answers ..just get 4 to 5 IDz and start choosin ur answer as the best

  6. You can get more points, by answering more questions.

    But, if it's the points, you are after. Your on for the wrong reason. The points become "addictive.

    "When the answers, should be helping others, in a more  "possitive way." As I am helping you. <}:-})

  7. Frustrating isn't it? Well just limit your questions or stop asking altogether questions and answer some questions.

  8. answer more ?'s and log in every day!

  9. answer alot of questions wit full detail so you could get to be best answer

  10. like go under a catergory that you know well and answer peoples questions or problems like make it short and before you know it youll have like alot of points

  11. answer people's question and make sure if you ask a question to rate the person who gives you the best answers for your question before yahoo answers does it

  12. answer a lot of questions it doesn't take much time and even if u put nonscence awnswers u get 2 pts but if u get the best awnswer its 10 pts so your better off  actually awnswering them

  13. try recieving "Best Answers".

    haha you better try and figure out THE BEST ANSWER if answering questions.


  14. Have a best answer a lot of times!

  15. don't ask but answer questions first off

    then answer them well and get best answer (10 points)

    You are on your way!

  16. Answer as many questions as well as you can;10 points for a selected best answer.Vote on undecided questions.Don`t ask to many questions till you`ve built up plenty of points. It`s not ALL about gaining points,although that`s nice,it`s about learning things,helping people with problems if you can,finding out a lot of useful and not so useful stuff,finding people on the same wave length as you,communicating with people,sharing ideas and opinions and reading others and fun along the way.The points will mount up soon enough.

  17. Give GOOD answers

  18. Have a friend who doesn't care about points ask lotsa questions, and when you answer them, he/she can give you best answer!

  19. 1. stop asking questions for a while (untill you get alot of points)

    2. answer as many questions as you can (plus you'll be helping people :)

    3. log in yahoo answers every day

    4. vote for best answers

    good-luck! :)

  20. Answer lots of questions. And stop asking questions. Vote on undecided answers.

  21. Don't ask questions unless you have to. Then, answer as many questions as you can! But answer them nicely and intelligently, otherwise you can get bad ratings, which isn't good. Also, vote for best answers. That'll give you 1 point.

  22. awnser alot of questions and dont ask any lol

  23. answer questions

    get best answer

    vote on a best answer for someone

    get a star

    get a thumbs up

    choose a best answer for YOUR question

  24. answer questions

  25. Answer alot of questions and if they are good, then you can get best answer which gives you 10 points

  26. answer questions. copy and paste stuff from wikipedia to get best answers lol

  27. stop asking Questions. n start answering . get best answers... get votes.

  28. Vote for best answers.

  29. Don't ask questions.

    When you answer, be right ... always.

    Never commit any Yahoo violations.

  30. 1. stop asking questions.

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