
How do I get YOU to join the Ultimate Tennis Forum?

by  |  earlier

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Looking for the help of EVERY tennis player who reads this!

So I am a USPTA pro and I run a website called (it offers free online tennis lessons from world famous and local pros)

On one section of my site there is a forum. How can I attract tennis players to join this forum?

Lets say....

You follow the link below, look at the forum, and leave. What made you leave? Why werent you interested in it?

On the other hand, lets say you follow the link, join up, and love it. What were the positive things that made you join and be a part of the ultimate tennis forum?






  1. I went to the forum once, and left, partly because a forum is only as good as the number of good people using it.  I wasn't too impressed with it originally, so I didn't even bother poking around.  This time, I poked around a little longer, and found some interesting stuff on the website.  I don't really use forums that much, unless I am searching for something specific.  If more people used the forum, there would be a larger repository of answers and it would trigger more google and yahoo searches.  More instructional videos would be nice.  How about including training logs for users.  I've seen a running forum that does this, and it is very useful.  Good luck!

  2. i looked at the website and left right away... the design of the site isn't very good... there isn't much of a direction, and you basically have every link carrying the same amount of weight on the site... did you make a business plan?  what is the purpose of your site?  if the forum is just another aspect of it, then you should make that less important.

    who built your site?

    additional:  oh ok i went to the homepage... not a bad idea for a website, however you should restructure your forum section.

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