
How do I get a 7 year old neighbor girl to stop coming to our house all the time, morning , noon and night. ?

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She's not a well behaved child either. She just walks right in and makes herself at home. We ask her nicely to not come over, because of my work I do from home. But she still continues to show up all the time. We had company the other night and she just walked right in. She gets into everything also. She likes playing with our small dog. But she gets way to rough with him. What can I do, I feel like a prisoner in my own home. I have to keep all the doors locked. Once she even broke the lock on our patio door trying to get in. I went to talk to her mother several times, but she won't answer the door. They just moved in a 5 months ago and they rent. I own my home and lived her 39 yrs. The other neighbors are doing the same thing I am and we are all at our witts end, we even spoke to their landlord and he said he can't do anything about this.




  1. The next time she comes over, march her srtaight back to her house and ask her to get her mommy or daddy for you so you can speak to them about these issues with this kid. If talking doesnt work, unfortunately, you may have to resort to something terrible: install a shock buzzer on the handles to all your doors, to give her a little "buzz" the next time she tries to come in! LOL

  2. You've got a Dennis the Mennis!

    This makes me sad because I have a 7 year old, and he's not allowed to go to the neighbors (unless it's an emergency), he has to stay in our yard!  I can't believe that her mom just lets her kid wonder over to another persons house.

    Next time she comes over I would walk her back home.  If her mom doesn't answer the door, well ...... call the cops.

  3. Haha, I use to live next door to a kid who wouldn't leave us alone, either.

    Alert the police, or social services, maybe even her school guidance counselor if you know where she attends. She's obviously got some serious attention neglect if she's so eager to come over to your house and to leave her home all the time. Someone with authority (such as a cop - 7 year olds are scared of cops) needs to sit her down and tell her she can't run up and down the streets. Poor thing, she's probably aching so badly for attention, and she's going to be so confused about why nobody wants to be around her. She needs some psychological help. The mother isn't doing her job if she isn't keeping an eye on the child and neglects to come to her aid.

  4. Im kind of going through the same thing and after reading the answers it really dawned on me about the abuse and neglect. I would probably discontinue trying to speak with the parents because they may just take the frustration of it out on the child and go straight to child protection.

  5. Tell the little girl not to come over anymore because she does bad things. If this continues, call CPS. I know it sounds a little rough. But for you to be a prisioner in your own home is absurd. I had the same problem with a little girl that came to my house, she is six. She alsays ask me if my daughter can play, I say no and she says why and i say because you do not listen to me. I have also tried to speak to her mother but no response. Tell the little girl to go home because she does not listen to you, as an adult. If it continues, call CPS. Her mother should be watching her all the time. So, that is my opinion. If she will not talk to you, the mother, than call CPS. Tell the little girl to go home and not to come back over because of her actions, try to speak to the mother one more time and then if it continues call CPS.  

  6. Go to your local Wal-Mart, purchase an electric fly swatter, and go to town on her behind! YEA BOII!

  7. That makes me wonder if there is something going on at the childs home.  Next time she comes over, walk her back to her house and ask to speak to a parent.  IF they don't come to the door, call 911 and have them do a welfare check on the child.  We had a little boy who came over all the time, we ended up having a welfare check done because something just seemed wrong.  Turns out the kids were taken away and now live with other family members and the parents were arrested.

  8. If she keeps on dooing it call the police.

    Her parents need to take better care of her.

  9. This sounds like a child with problems...and problems a lot bigger than she can deal with.

    I'm with the people who say call CPS.  This sounds like something serious is going the mom is being abused, the daughter may be getting abused...this is about a lot more than just your privacy and a lock on a door...sounds like you have a child welfare issue.

    Someone needs to start giving a rats *** about this girl while there is still time to save her.  Looks like that responsibility has fallen on you.  

  10. call child protective services, wait first mail a certified letter to her home, write in there about the problems that you are having and if they don't get resolved you will have to call child protective services. I'm sure that'll work.

  11. I agree with everyone else there is more going on there. She's looking for attention and if she will to "break" in maybe safety as well and she just feels comfortable with you. Call Child protective services they will find out what going on with her

  12. Call CPS or the police.

    That is not right.

  13. Call the police and see if there is something they can do.  Maybe they are leaving her home alone and maybe someone should get involved. At the age of 7 she should understand that she shouldn't just walk into someones home and run the place.  Be blunt, stand your ground! Give her a time schedule as to when she can come and visit (to knock first though)

    Good luck!

  14. I would call child protective services. Obviously this girl is desperate if she's breaking into people's homes. In the meantime, you're going to have to keep the doors locked. If she knocks, tell her "Sorry, you can't come in until I speak to your mother." If she tries to break in again, you need to call the police immediately. This child is going through some neglect, possible abuse. Good luck.

  15. she could be getting abuse from her home and want to come to your house for saftey I would ask her if theres anything going on in the home before i tunr my back on her

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