
How do I get a Harry Potter Trivia Game?

by Guest45283  |  earlier

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Is there a trivia game out for the complete Harry Potter series?




  1. You can order the Harry Potter Scene It game from for only $16.95. They also have used ones you can bid on. Just search for "Scene It" if you go there.

  2. There was also an original Triva game for Harry Potter (like Trivial Pursuit) it was only brought out for the first movie and the questions were kind of a mix from the movie and book.  I have it (or rather my daughter has it)

  3. Umm... not for the books, (I wish there was) I dont know of..

    But for the movies, (1-5) There's the SCENEIT! game of the Harry Potter Deluxe version.

  4. There is a Harry Potter version of the game Scene It :) I'm pretty sure you can buy it somewhere like Zellers or Walmart.

  5. Your best bet would be to check online, A reliable site I use is They have Scene It! Harry Potter Edition. Which would be a great family/group game. Or "The World of Harry Potter" For XP.

    Hope this helps!

  6. yeah i got mine at target...for the movies and the books

  7. I heard there was a Harry Potter Scene It! They have it at Walmart, Target, ( i dont think many places have this)


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