
How do I get a better 200 metre time?

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hi everyone,

i just need a bit of advice on what to do because im fifteen and i run my 100 in 11.7 and my 200m in 24.44 on grass

how can I improve my overall running ability so that i can match that of my friend who runs 100 in 11.4 and 200m in 23.90.

Also could give me hints on how a good 200m should be ran

thank you




  1. um u can train real hard.. do speedwork outs...

    and the 200m shud be run like its 2 races...

    for the 1s 200m, you are almost going full pace, then coming into the straight you just go hard.

  2. Practice hard, you don't really need to do anything over 600 meters for training. I would do a lot of repeat 300s. Also run the 200 and than when you get to the finish line don't stop push as hard as you can for an extra 50 meters and walk back to the start of the 200 as your break and repeat 7 more times. The weight room is always a good idea for sprinting. When lifting as a sprinter make sure everything is explosive (to train your fast twitch muscles) when you are pulling the weight up do it fast but in control and than it should be a 4 count bringing the weight back down, so it will be nice and slow to help build the muscle. Hills are also really great for sprinters. If you don't have hills than stairs will do great as well.

    Now strategy for the 200. Go out fast and at the 80 meter mark settle into your sprint than at the 150 mark start pumping your arms to use everything you have left. If you move your arms faster your legs will move faster as well. Good luck and train hard.

  3. The fastest runners have the shortest ground contact times meaning they don't collapse at the ankle/knee at ground contact. This means isometric strength. Try isometric dead lifts where you hold weight standing on balls of feet with slight bend at knee. Do heavy iso holds for 10-30 seconds. Also do short under distance sprints to tie the strength into speed work. Longer runs help conditioning but running slower to get faster does not make sense.

  4. spikes. :D

    for hurdles

    i do like a 17.5 without spikes

    with spiked i get like 16 flat. :D

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