
How do I get a car title out of my name?

by  |  earlier

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I put a car in my name for my ex-boyfriend earlier this year (March) because he couldn't put it in his name because he has a couple unpaid parking tickets. There is no loan out on the car, it is completely paid off. We had a nasty break-up about a month ago and he refuses to change over the title. How do I go about taking the car out of my name? I want to cancel the insurance on the car but I am afraid he will get into an accident and it could be on me. Also I don't want to get into trouble for anything stupid that he does while in possession of the car.




  1. The car is legally yours (the title says so).

    Tell him you will call the police and take it back from him, legally there is nothing he can do to stop you from doing so.

    That will get him talking, what you need to do is negotiate a transfer of ownership to him, and you can then cancel the registration which is in your name too, right? And cancel the insurance, but only after you have transferred the title to him.

    Lesson for the future - don't ever do this again, and don't go out with losers that can't buy/register their own car.  

  2. haha...tell the Sheriff the car is stolen after a bad break-up. You'll get it back.

  3. YOu are not the only one,I have met this type of  problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem though.

  4. Since the car is in your name, you are the rightful owner of the car.  Sell it to him, or take him to court over it.  Or sell it to anyone else, so its not your responsibility anymore after the sale.

  5. cancel insurance right!!! call DMV ask how to rid yourself.of it..if u have keys take the car ...its yours....

  6. First of all, it the title is in your name, so is the registration.  Take YOUR license plate off the car.  This way, he can not drive it without the risk of getting pulled over.

    Before taking the license plate off of your car I would contact the local police department.  Explain the situation to them.  They will let you know if you will be breaking any laws so you don't get yourself into any trouble.

    It would be a big mistake to take the insurance off the car because if he gets in an accident, you could be liable.

    Your license plate is your leverage.  The only way he could drive the car again is if the title is signed over to him and he registers it himself.

    If he still refuses, you legally own the car.  Take possession of it and sell it.  To be fair, if he paid a portion of the car give him the fair share of the money from the sale.

    IMPORTANT:  While accepting ANY legal advice on Yahoo Answers, read and understand the Yahoo Disclaimer, paying particular attention to the last paragraph.

  7. One thing you don't want to do is to cancel the insurance, if you or him get pulled over for some other violation and you are not insured, you could lose your car all together.

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