
How do I get a clear face? ACNE?!?

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I dont have like really bad acne, it just my face is not like clear, I just have some pimples here and there. I have used alot of acne products(mostly Neutrogena) but they just seem to make the problem worse. I think i have more pimples when i use those.

Is there a way i can get a CLEAR face without acne products like Proactive or anything..........




  1. grow older

  2. I dont know about anyone else, but i have tried almost everything you can buy over the counter and proactive and nothing has seamed to work. When i was in middle school i used that Differen Gel and that stuff worked, but it has to be prescribed to you by a doc.

  3. this sounds crazy but only wash your face every other day, on top of when you wash it in the shower! I use to have acne really bad, and i tried everything clean and clear, proactive, everything worked then didn't work worked then didn't work...  your skin balances it self out eventually  

  4. Like Oh My God Girl Like I Like had the same problem like like everyother teenager in the like world your fine like don't worry!  Oh and please dont use olive oil who ever told you that is very very wrong.

  5. You can try lemons. They are always good for the skin. Also you can try something like Burts Bees skin lotion. Its all natural.

  6. proactiv really works... my face has cleared up a lot but u have to stick to it bbecauseif you stop you start to break out again.. it happened to me.. i no tthat'snot the info u needed but i ddidn'tknow how else to help

  7. cetaphile cleanser and moisturizer, it's for sensitive skin

  8. wash your face twice a day with a gentle antibacterial soap. Ask your pharmacist to recommend one for you. Don't wash more than twice a day as you can overstimulate your skin to produce more oil and it is the excess oil that causes spots and acne.Also don't scrub your face as you will irritate it. When you have finished washing apply a gentle toner with cotton wool balls. Choose an alcohol free toner to prevent your skin drying out. When your toner has dried apply a light moisturiser and use this twice a day. Gels and lotions are lighter than creams and you should also use one that is oil free. Once or twice a week you can try steaming your face to open the pores. A few other tips are to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg. If you use make up try to buy oil free makeup and remove it before you go to bed. Don't be tempted  to squeeze your spots as you could spread the infection and cause scarring.    Hope this helps.

  9. try eating healthier and drink LOTS of water . keep ur hands OFF ur face especially if its dirty. dirty hands r  full of bacteria so it'll only make acne worse. yea , olive oil does help, it helps me

  10. i had the same reaction with commercial facial cleansers/toners; the acne stopped when i used herbal facial soap : try papaya soap. i'm not sure if there's one sold in your area though.

  11. witch clear pore gel

    orr just use a good exfoliating face wash

    the trick is not to be too dirty and not to be too clean

    and also when you get a blemish what ever you do DON'T touch it

    very warm water and a cotton wool pad will get rid of the puss on spots

  12. noxzema (the old fashioned kind that tingles - in the blue tub) i swear by it...i'm 33 and if i run out, i break cured my teenage acne. use it everyday in the shower and scrub really good with a washcloth...i know, i know, they say thats a no no, but it works for me. also, if you wore make up that day, wash your face before you go to bed, no matter how tired you are. watch your diet, avoid greasy food and don't touch your face with dirty hands.

    that works for me.

  13. You should use severe acne treatment it totally works!! i use to have really bad acne last year and it really cleared up this year i use it twice a day here is a picture of it its about $30 but its worth it you can get it at walmart[ :

  14. put on coverup and wash ur face with dove soap and if one pops wash ur whole face IMEDIETALLY and ur hands too. (so it does'nt spread) yes that is true. spred 2 tsp. all around ur face and leave it on for 5-10 min. then wash off with a wash cloth or splash water in ur face.

  15. Arbonne offers a skin suppliment. it promotes cell growth and renewal as well as fights acne from the inside out! check out my website for more information:

  16. ok without products i suggest wach ur face and hands<hands cause u touch ur face sometimes possibly>twice a day but i also think u should try other products like for me i use proactive but their are other brands just think about that.

    and chocolate doesnt cause acne so u could eat anything except after eating greecy food wash ur hands cuz greece causes acne

  17. proactive  

  18. the best products

    to use are:



    Clean & Clear

    they are both really good

    and they both work

    so pick ur choice

    Good Luck<3<3

    hope u become


  19. i suggest getting a nice acne medication at target or something i suggest clean and clear it works really good

  20. i have the same problem.i tried proactive and it didnt seem 2 work. i guess that it all depends on ur skin type.but maybe u could go 2 a dermatologist they could presrcibe u a stronger fafce wash.  

  21. Here are some home remedies and natural treatments for acne.

    Tea Tree Oil

    Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for acne. It is an essential oil that is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.

    How is tea tree oil believed to work? Tea tree oil contains a constituent called terpinen-4-ol that's thought to be responsible for most of tea tree oil's anti-bacterial activity. Because tea tree oil can kill bacteria, applying topical tea tree oil to acne lesions is believed to kill Propionibacterium acnes, the skin-dwelling bacteria involved in causing acne. Read more about tea tree oil and acne: Tea Tree Oil for Acne? and learn more about Tea Tree Oil


    Zinc is another popular home remedy for acne. A couple of research studies have found that zinc is somewhat effective. While it was more effective than a placebo, antibiotic medication was still more effective. In light of this, it may not be the best option when scarring is a possibility.

    Side effects of zinc include digestive upset and a metallic taste in the mouth. At high doses, zinc may lead to copper deficiency, weakened immune function, anemia, and heart problems. There is some concern that higher doses may reduce levels of HDL ("good") chholesterol.

    Zinc may also interfere with the absorption of magnesium and iron from food and supplements. It can interfere with the absorption of tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics and penicillamine. There is also some concern that a particular diuretic, amiloride, can reduce zinc excretion and lead to a toxic build-up in the body.

  22. hey, im wondering the same thing! haha. let me know if you get any good answers please =)

    sorry i didnt help....

    help me?(:;...

  23. I have never heard that olive oil will make your skin clear.  Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne worse by using too many products.  There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  24. lemons

  25. artistry

  26. Shrak, Works wonders..

  27. more fruits and vegetables.

    Avoid drinking coke.

    And DON"T overwash your face. You remove natural oils and it causes the bacteria to spread and then you will get more acne.

  28. well proactiv works best for me and i did have the same type of skin as you. Now i have almost no pimples.  

  29. You can try the cheaper face washes but I would probably sue Cetaphil, that is a real mild cleanser that actually a lot of run way models use because it is light and also the make-up remover takes off all that thick make-up.

  30. You have to think of cleansers as a business.  If they cure your breakouts completely, you wont buy it anymore, right?

    Try drinking more water, only washing your face in the AM and before bed, use an oil free moisturizer and eat alot of fruits and veggies. Alot of it may be you are just that age where hormones are raging (middle school - mid 20's).  Getting a little sun (not burnt) will clear you up too.

  31. i went to the doctors and he gave me tablets and a gel to apply to the face, my skin has cleared tremendously and i wud definatley recommend it (:


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