
How do I get a copy of a Bengali birth certificate from U.S.?

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My girlfriend lives in America and has been since she was one year old, she got her U.S. Citizenship soon after. She has lost all hope of getting her identity back. She needs her birth certificate to live her life!! Please help




  1. Tell her to return to Bangladesh and bribe one of the babu-moshai there. There's no limit what 100$ can do in a S****y Islamo-fascist h**l hole like Bangladesh.

    h**l - for that kind of money, she could even rent a new family and rediscover her identity.

  2. go to copy-mart

  3. She could try contacting the birth registrar for the area she was born in.  It might be best to contact the Indian consulate closest to her.  They are located in many large cities.  Doing a search would be best but I listed one site below.

  4. if she has family members back there,  they can help her.

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