
How do I get a date with my best friend?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in love with my best friend, and she likes me too, but won't date me unless I'm Christian. Short of converting, what can I do to change her mind?




  1. Nothing, and I'll say that she probably cares a lot about you.

    EDIT: In the comment you just posted, the one about talking to the sky, you basicly just called the girl you are "in love with" and foolish idiot. SCORE.

    EDIT: So you wish to date a foolish idiot?

  2. If she's your best friend, she should understand that  you are asking her out on a date, you don't know where this is heading, you don't know if you guys will end up together or get married but you are willing to find out. And all other obstacles like religion and family can be discussed at a letter date. All you want is a chance to be with her now.

    Good Luck! Hope things work out for you!  

  3. It's inevitable , you need to convert .,

  4. if she really likes you then she wount have a problem with your religion. its whats in the heart that matters.

  5. Having a good heart is similar to doing the things you are supposed to do as a if you hve that.......ask her to see that way too.

  6. WELL.

    if she actually liked you. (like a lot a lot)

    then your religion doesn't matter!!!

    and it really shouldn't.

    i mean, do you like her to the point where you want to convert yourself?

    its all your choice.

    but i think that you should consider and telling her that religion doesn't matter!!!


    : )

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