
How do I get a guestlist for my husband's surprise party?

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I'm throwing my husband a surprise birthday party and would like to invite some of his old highschool friends but I don't know who any of them are. How do I get a list of friends from him of who he would like to see, without him becoming suspicious of a surprise party? What could I say to him to get him to give me some names of people he would like to reconnect with?




  1. Has he got a close sibling who went to school with him or a lose friend he keeps in contact with? If so, get the persons number out of his cell when he's not looking and give him/her a call.  Has he ever spoken of any old mates or showed you his year book? That might be another way to go. You might have to try the phone book or even his parents may know of somebody who would be able to help you.  

  2. Call his old school and ask who is in charge of his class reunion list.  Take it from there and start letting your fingers do the walking...

    Good Luck

    HOttt  Dogggggg

  3. I think that if you get one of his best pals to help you track down old school chums, you'll be on the right track! BTW your a great wife for doing this for your hubby. For my 50th, my wife thru a huge surprise party for me and I saw people there I hadn't seen in years! My wife snuck my P.D.A out while I was sleeping and got phone numbers. Those friends helped her track down some old friends and the whole thing started to snowball! I was sooo surprised!! I stood in the middle of the restaraunt and kept saying, "Is this for me?" Any way I hope this helps, chef paul

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