
How do I get a guy to notice me? I don't know how to get this one guy a like to notice me

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I don't know how to get this one guy a like to notice me help please.




  1. well the best thing to do is to be yourself and find out what he likes in a girl.find out what he likes and see if you could maybe like i t too. but if he like girls who have no personality but look good stay away!

  2. Well first dont walk up to him and say "i like you" that will just make him turn away and leave!!!!!! Just get your bff to tell his bff that you like him then he might turn twards you and ask you out just dont kiss on the first date if you get one thats the # 1 rule of dating

  3. flrit with ALL of the guys around you, not only him. Cause then word will spread out about you ebgin pretty and etc. Be nice and be YOURSELF. dont send anyone to ask him what he thinks about you or whatever, cause like ai said in another answer, that shows you are lacking of personality and confidence in yourlsef. If you wanna get to know him and what he think baout you...ASK HIM YOURSELF. He'll notice you even more and know that you had the guts to talk to him.


  5. you can get pretty dress up in some nice clothes and say hi to him and ask him if he want to get something to drink and u can talk to him bout yourself hope dis works

  6. Make your presence known by taking the initiative to talk to him.


  7. When you are walking in the halls with your friends and you pass him, start laughing and flick your hair. Then once you are past him, look back and see if he is checking you out! If he is that means he has noticed you!

  8. Wear something that shows cleavage.

  9. dress atractive wear make up things to catch his eye then he should come over if he likes u  


    dont wait for him to talk to you...

    act quickly before he finds another girl.

    Good Luck

  11. Just talk to him. Pretty sure you'll get his attention that way.  

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