
How do I get a hold of Bill Gates my Microsoft Word is not working?

by  |  earlier

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how much does it cost to send him over?




  1. he didnt invent microsoft. he made changes to it and bought it for a million dollars. then he sold the software and became a billionare. you cant get ahold of him specifically but you can get ahold of a helper at microsoft by going to the microsoft website and clicking contact.

  2. Around the throat! lol

  3. Good luck with that.

  4. Tell him you are Steve Jobs and you want to merge with Microsoft. He will come straight to your house in his helicopter piloted by him.

  5. go to and scroll down to the bottom and click on contact us and tell him that your microsoft word is not working

  6. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Gates wouldn't come...why? Cause he wouldn't know how to fix it either!!!!!!!!

    Most of the CEOs have others to do the job for them of designing and getting the programs to operate correctly. So he would have someone come over that worked on the project.. but you'll look at a cool million or so for the concierge service

  7. You can try to go to his house. You might not be able to get pass his driveway but hey it's worth a try. Oh and if you want to visit his house you have to pay $10 million.


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