
How do I get a job as a pianist?

by  |  earlier

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You know how, in the mall, there are sometimes pianos in the middle of the hall, and some guy in a tux is playing it to show off how awesome it sounds? Whom should I contact to get that job? Do you know of any specific companies in the US or UK?




  1. idk sorry

  2. Go to your local piano store.  That's who's responsible for that.

  3. Ask at the building management office.  They will know who is responsible for hiring performers for that particular instrument.

    I did that once, and got a year-long gig playing a beautiful grand piano at lunchtime in an uptown establishment.  It was fun!

    Good luck.

  4. talk to the owner of the mall, yo ucan usually either rent out time or offer to higher yourself.  go to the place where businesses go to find out about renting a space in the mall

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