
How do I get a job in Brazil. I am a UK citizen and want to live and work in Igazu Falls?

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Location Igazu Falls

I have a degree in Business and basic portuguese skills

I am currently studying for my TEFL

My partner is a Brazilian National




  1. I suggest you learn how to spell IGUAZU FALLS first!

  2. This kind of question comes up regularly on the BrazilMax Expat Discussion Forum. You'll find several relevent comments if you follow the link below.

  3. I don't know if you speak Portuguese.  It is very hard to survive, and I used to live there.  First you need to know the inflation rate is now more than 15% per month.  That means one dollar today, a month later for the same value would be $1.15.  Therefore, it is very hard to maintain the salary which is why you will hear in the news on daily basis of how "cruzerio" is compared to "dollars" and "yens".

    Besides, I think you would be safer living in Belo Horizonte due to gangs rival against the police officer.

    One warning, the police officers are almost as bad as the police officers in Mexico, if you know what I mean by it.

  4. As you are taking your TEFL it looks like you already know that it is an international passport to employment just about anywhere in the world.  You will be able to get a job in an international school.

  5. Depends on what you will consider a job there. If you want to have formal registration, a 9 to 5 shift being an employee it will be way harder and more beaurocratic than if you go for an informal entrepreneurship or service such as touristic guide for foreigner, teacher of english language, what for you being a native speaker, will be a high pro. Being your partner Brazilian would help a lot in terms of legalization matters because there is no need that both of you fill all sorts of forms as national citizen. And as a matter of fact, the vast majority of small business initiatives goes most of times in informal ways. And as much as your plans go well you will get acquainted of  the alternatives to progressively find the meanders in which you may want to transform yourself in a local citizen with the same work rights and  obrigations as of any employee, employer screwed by the taxes and the government, no matter which one will be on duty. Yes, cause here is the land of opportunities. For the rich and the ronald big ones. But don't be afraid of the news and the not that accurate information posted in this answerers thread. Although inflation still exists, it's peanuts compared to corruption. Economically speaking the country seems to go with the same wind as of since 1994, which means the politicians can change but the stink is just the same.

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