
How do I get a job working in the USA?

by  |  earlier

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I'm an Australian resident (female, 20 yrs old) and my friend (male, 29 yrs old) and I really want to go and work in the USA. I haven't attended university here, so I don't have degree's or anything and neither does he. Does that mean it's impossible for us to get work there?




  1. You're not going to be able to get a visa to work here without having skills that can't be found here already. Essentially that means you would need a good degree and experience in your field. Without these no employer here will sponsor you for a visa. You can't get a visa without an employer to sponsor you.

  2. no, it is not impossible but it will be very hard to find a job without any experience or qualification,for you have nothing to offer to an employer,

  3. Just so you know, companies are letting ppl go left and right here in USA. My husband was left go from his job in Sept of last year and didn't find work till may of this year. Unemployment right now is standing at 20%.

    And yes with out work experence, and no college you chances of coming here and getting a job are very slim.

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