
How do I get a list of the directors of the National Biscuit Company in 1954?

by Guest64769  |  earlier

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I would like the names of the chairman and the directors of the National Biscuit Company in 1964. This became Nabisco later on but the company says that currently, this information is not available. Please help if you can, I believe one of the board members may be my biological father. Thank you!




  1. In some states, you can view the annual reports online which sometimes name the directors. Secretary of State web site. But you need to know the state.

    If you purchase stock in the corporation, even only 1 share, you are entitled to view the shareholder meeting minutes, which will have the directors.


    You might find information on this web. From there you could make contacts in the citiy where the company is founded, i.e. city records.

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