
How do I get a medical marijuana card?

by  |  earlier

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I've got fibrocystic breast disease (which is a pain in the boob) and a history of depression (which will probably resurface once I move up to San Francisco in a few days). What would be more likely to get me the card? I would rather get it under partially honest circumstances, you know? Also, my primary care provider is Kaiser; do they issue medical marijuana cards? Would it be better for me to see someone else? I just really want to get that card.




  1. dont just tell the doctor about one thing tell him about the pain and dont have to choose just one...

    your pretty much a shoe in for a medical marijuana card..

    good luck

  2. Ask your doctor. Health care does not cover medical marijuana

  3. You can thank all the teenagers who abuse marijuana for the difficult time you are having getting your medication.  They don't care that you need it, they just want it to get high.

  4. It is against the law for a physician anywhere to write a prescription for medical marijuana.  California passed a law but it was over rulled therefore you will be unable to get it.

  5. Check with your primary care provider, or with your primary physician.  

  6. Don't listen to the first answer, it definitely is legal in California to obtain a medical license. All of the people I know with cards have been complaining of sores or pains for years which made it pretty easy to get. I really doubt you'll have any trouble if you have plenty of medical history stating you've been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease.

    I'm not sure if Kaiser issues cards but I don't really see why not. Try going to your regular doctor and see what they say. If they deny your request for any reason, try asking around for other doctors. Most doctors aren't against issuing cards because no matter what they believe personally, at the end of the day, they're doctors because they want to help people feel better.

    Good luck with obtaining a card! Happy smoking :)

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