
How do I get a moderator of a group to approve me for membership, when she has apparently abandoned the group?

by Guest33576  |  earlier

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I tried to join a Yahoo Group, and it is a membership-only group. The moderator has apparently abandoned the group, and my membership status has been "pending" for over a month now. Is there a way to have Yahoo contact that moderator? I am sure that this moderator is in violation of proper Group-owning "etiquette", or something!

I tried to contact Yahoo-groups via email on their "help" page...with no results.

This is very frustrating! Does anyone know how to help with this issue?




  1. you could email the owner there will be an address under the group site. You could also look at the chart under the site which shows monthly activity.  If there isn't any,  find another group.

  2. That must be disappointing for you but the only way your membership can be approved is if the owner/moderator personally approves it.  This stands even when the owner/moderator cannot be contacted, has "abandoned" the group, or just does not want to approve or reject your request for membership.  You would do well to move on and join other groups.  There are many others that you might enjoy!

  3. A similar thing happened to me.  There isn't a way.  I agree though, it is a violation of "netiquette."  I just don't think it is a big enough issue for Yahoo to care.  All I can suggest is to start your own group.   Best of luck to you.

  4. you need to locate another group to join. many groups have a MIA owner and there's nothing you can do about it, sorry.

    Yahoo did a bouncing clean-up and prior to the Beta group release, they stated they'd do something about the zillion og these groups with MIA owners

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