
How do I get a patent? And what are the legal processes?

by  |  earlier

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I have an idea but I don't know how to get a patent. Does it cost much or does it matter on what the idea is? What do I have to do to get one? I looked at some of the patents on google but I didn't really find my idea. I am only 15 years old so I don't have a job and I can't pay for it myself so I would have to have my parents help me.

Thank you! Just say if you need anymore info.




  1. Have a look at

    It explains how patents work, and how to apply for one.

  2. While you are allowed to prepare and file a patent application yourself, you really need the help of a professional.  

    If you are talking about a U.S. Patent, professional help can cost from $5,000 to $20,000 or more, depending on about a zillion things.

    Inventors generally don't want to find their inventions, so when they do searches themselves, they don't find it.  Something close to your invention is probably already out there.  Try using different search terms.  Or, better yet challenge someone like a creepy kid brother that likes to taunt you to find it.  Someone with that attitude will probably find it and save you and your parents a lot of money.

    The U.S. Patent office web page is

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