
How do I get a pesky neighbor kid form coming over so much?!?

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I have lived in my home 2 years, have a great yard, great dogs, and a peaceful quiet routine & life. A new family moved in a few houses away. Their little boy ( age 7) recentley road his bike over and introduced himself. His initial interest was in our dogs, he had seen us playing in the yard with them and commented on what great dogs they were & could he play with them too. We talked with him a bit and let him throw the ball for the dogs & he left. Quickly his visits developed into a way too frequent event..practicaly every day after school. Now with summer here and no school .. he has started knocking on the door as early as 8:00 am! I have tried being nice and telling him now isn't a good time for a visit, and/ or excusing myself that I have work to do or errands to run.. only to have him return a short time later. What can I do! I really dont want to hurt his feelings but I really really dont want the company of a bored seven year old boy to contend with throughout my day!




  1. Perhaps you could pay his parents a visit and just drop by to introduce yourself.  And while you are talking and getting to know each other, bring up that he comes over at 8 am when you are sleeping.  Just mention this to his mother.  Are there not any other kids in your neighborhood?  I have two small children, 11 and 7, but we live more in the country and there are no other children within walking or biking distance, but we have a swimming pool and a huge yard they can play in.  This is a rather touchy subject since you dont' want to make him feel unwanted.  Maybe you could find something out in your yard that he can help with.  Maybe give him a chore and maybe afterwards if he does a good job, you can pay him a dollar or two.

  2. Speak to his parents. Tell them you have errand to run and need alone time. Make a day that he can come over for a few hours and play.

  3. Yes speak with his parents and explain you don't have the time each day for their child to come and visit and you don't want to hurt his feelings.

  4. Tell him when he CAN come over. You've told him when not to, but you've left it open to when he can. Set up one day or two a week, when it's convenient for you, and let him come over then. Tell him, that he can come over on Tuesdays and Fridays after lunch for half an hour to play with the dogs. If he comes over at other times, you can nicely say "Our deal was tomorrow afternoon. if you disturb me again, I will have to cancel that appointment." If he does, then sadly tell him "You broke our deal. I'll see you next week."

    It's certainly not a requirement, but it would be nice for every older adult to share their wisdom and knowledge with the younger generations. The baby boomers changed that, until then families were intergenerational and did share, but suddenly there is an entire generation of people 'too busy' for the younger ones, and then they wonder "what's wrong with kids these days?" What is his family like? What if the dad was completely out of his life...what if his mom had issues? What if you were the only normal person in his life? The news is full of neighbors saying "If only I had known...."

  5. Pray that they will move!!!  We had this happen in our old neighborhood...I am laughing just remembering the chaos.  He ended up going into one of our neighbors homes (when she wasn't at home) and opened up curtain rods that were at the door to be returned.  Took snacks out of her refrigerator and sat on her couch and watched T.V. for a while!!!!!  My suggestion for you is to talk to the parents (if an option) in our case they were very unsocial (is that a word?), if that fails you can't help but be a little less curteous....he is being rude himself so put a sign on the door that says "this is not a good time" explain to him what it is and then tell him when the sign is not out he may ring the doorbell.  After so long with the sign up he will get bored and move onto someone else!!!


  6. Talk to his parents :)

  7. You're gonna have to hurt his feelings.  

    I started early with the neighbors' kids.  I wasn't really rude, but I never said more than a grunt.  I got labled as the grump in the neighborhood and I get to sleep in.  Life is good!

  8. I would speak to his parents.  I would tell them about your dilemma.  His parents also need to know that their child approaching adults, something that in these times are dangerous without a parent.  You might be nice people, but the next people he encounter might not.

  9. First talk to his parents and explain that he is a nice little boy but that you work until late at night and his knocking/ringing the bell at early hours in the morning is disruptive to you.  Maybe let the child know that it's ok to come play with the dogs IF you are all ready outside and not busy.  

    If that doesn't work then maybe you just need to speak up and tell him to make some friends his own age because it's bothersome always having him at your house all hours and his parents may be worried where he is and close the door. You could also just keep your front door locked and stay out of sight and let him think you aren't home when he comes over and he may get bored and stop coming after a few days.

    It sounds to me like these parents need to get him into little league, swimming or even scouts so he can make friends with kids his own age so he'll quit bugging you.  It also sounds to me like the parents (if they know what's going on) need to teach their child a few manners about visiting neighbors in that it's ok to say "hello" but you shouldn't conitnually bug them when they are home because people won't like it and they will get labelled as "those people who have the annoying kid" in the neighborhood.

  10. I would speak to the parents, or I would tell the little boy that you work at home and can't be disturbed.

  11. 1.Give him some chores to do around your house for some $$

    2. Post a sign on your door that you are busy

    3. Pre-plan with his parents when you can have him over

  12. Speak to his parents.  They may not be happy about him over at your house all the time.  But he could be saying you are happy to have him over. 7yr olds don't take hints very well.

  13. Contact his parents.  I had this happen to me, but there were 3 of them coming over to visit my son.  They were eating and drinking everything we had in the fridge.  I finally told them all they could have was water and they finally quit coming over all the time.

  14. Advise him or talk to his parents and tell them about how interested and good he is with dogs. Tell them that their son is very responsible and he'd like a dog for himself. I'm sure you can take out 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to make a visit and talk to them so that he doesn't disturb you ever after. Casually hint them that you dislike his frequnt visits so that they can check on him.

    Tell them how he ADORES your dogs.. make them change their mind about getting one if they disagree. Or better, gift him a pup yourself? Best of luck! :)

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