
How do I get a prescription for Xanax?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried it, and I have to tell you, I'm so much calmer, and don't fret about all the stupid things that I usually fret about when I take it. What do I have to tell my doctor to get my hands on some legally? ;)




  1. well if you already know what dosages you want, you can probably try to order some online. there are a couple sites out there that you don't need a prescription to get it shipped; my friend orders some 2mg tablets all the time. i can't tell you what site she orders from, sorry, but you can always try to googling 'buy xanax'... just be sure that you don't end up 'buying' from a scam site that will just take your cash/not give you real xanax.

    i tried it once and didn't really like it, it can get pretty addictive.... i prefer valium. i always take it before big exams and stuff and i do really well, and the side-effects aren't that bad. (: i went to my doctor and she knows that my family has a history of anxiety, so when i told her that i was having panic attacks and stuff she didn't seem surprised. i told her my mom takes valium (lucky for me, mom goes to a different doctor), and my doctor said i could 'try it out'.

    either way, here's a good site to check to see what are some experiences people have had with valium (diazepam), xanax (Alprazolam), and other calming drugs.

    sorry i couldn't be better help!

  2. Xanax is specifically made to be a short-acting drug for panic attacks. You're not supposed to take it every day for prolonged periods of time. You should go see a psychiatrist and just tell him you worry about things that you logically know are unimportant. He'll probably prescribe an anti-anxiety medication made for everyday use.  

  3. Tell him you may have an addiction to xanax and you'd rather get them legally. You statement of how do I get my hands on them legally, is very telling. Maybe you should try Wellubriten or counseling.

    You do realize xanax and drugs like that are for short term usage 10-26 days not for the rest of your life. Try counseling or relaxation therapy before pills  

  4. First off I've tried them and I do AGREE. A relative of mine tried that whole approach. You can try telling the doctor those things, but most likely they will end up trying to put you on anti-depressants. Your best thing to do is try to find a "dirty" doctor. You'll be surprised how many doctors out there are crooked and will hook you up on drugs. I will also mention, although Xanax are relaxing and make you more care-free, they are also extremely addictive. A lot of people in my family are addicted and it's rather sad to see them when they are out of pills and are going through withdrawals. Good luck to you if you can find some, but just be careful and try not to become addicted. Those pills can ruin your life if you let them.

  5. Either you start seeing a psych doctor or either pain management doctor for this because usually your PCP doc will most likely not like to prescribe this medication. If this doesn't result in a good way to get the med then the only resource for you would be to either travel to Mexico or Canada and get it from doctors there.

  6. Well, to get your hands on some legally you have to need them.  If you talk to your doctor and he feels that is the best drug for your situation then he will prescribe them, if he doesn't he should prescribe you something that works for you unless he feels you are just there to get legal drugs.  You can tell him you have taken them before and know the effect they have on you and they work best for what you are going through, then it is all in his hands if he decides to give them to you.  A lot of doctors will not prescribe pills like Xanax off the bat, they will try other meds first as Xanax are addictive.  I have very bad anxiety and have gone through many meds and finally put on Xanax for sleep you just have to talk to your doctor and see what he feels is best.

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