
How do I get a reservation to the prison restuarant in Pisa, Italy? I need to know exactly, not a round about

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There is no phone number listed on the web, h**l I don't even know the name of the place. Just heard about it on TV.




  1. The location is inside the prison of Volterra in the Pisa's province (not in Pisa, it's quite far).

    I've the phone number for bookings (0039 055 2342777)  it corresponds to a travel agency in Florence (Argonauta) that's taking care taking care of reservations but it seems this special restauraunt is already sold out for the next months.

    As far as I know it's open on the first friday of each month.

    Email me if you need for further info.

  2. Why don't you just pick up the phone and ask them directly.

  3. I thought I would be able to answer this question easily. I was able to find lots of articles about this restaurant but none of them contained contact information. The best advice I can offer is to ask your hotel to make you reservations or at least give you a phone number so that you can make the call yourself.

    The prison is called Fortezza Medicea and it is located in Volterra, near Pisa. Good luck!

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