
How do I get a spider out of my shoe without killing him?

by  |  earlier

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It's technically not a spider - it's a very young daddy long-legs and he (or she) has built a very fine web in my shoe overnight. Is there something I can put in the shoe (like a cinnamon stick or rosemary sprig) that will encourage the creature to build a web elsewhere? The spider is so small, that any violent attempts to shake him (or her) will likely be deadly.




  1. daddy long legs are actually pretty tough

    you should be able to take the shoe outside and shake it out until the spider falls out but if that doesnt work, try to put a cup over the shoe opening until it crawls into the cup then , go outside and put the cup onto a tree limb

  2. Put the shoe in a plastic bag, take shoe outside, then gently tap the shoe upside down onto hard surface, it will leave on it's own, spiders don't like "earthquakes" any more than we do. Insects are able to survive things that would kill a human, if you squish it's one thing, but all sorts of insects can survive shaking and falls.

  3. Take something like a small stick or sprig and try to get him to crawl onto it, then you can lay the stick on the ground and let him roll off.  Or, you might even be able to roll part of the web onto the stick and take him with it, if he's indeed very small (he may not weigh enough to fall off the webbing).

    Before getting started, position yourself as close to the ground as possible, so he won't have far to fall in case he does fall out.  If nothing else, just a gentle shaking of your shoe will probably release him and make him run out - if you're close to the ground, he should survive a relatively short fall.

  4. take you shoe and but it on its side outside then wait for it to come out but stay away from the shoe until the spider goes away

  5. its a spider :|

    kill it

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