
How do I get a stay on an eviction notice?

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How do I get a stay of eviction notice without going through a lawyer?

How do that by going to the court house directly?

Do I go to County Court or Federal Court?

Would I go to the Circuit clerks office and ask for a kit

or what?




  1.   Call  or  visit  your  local  LEGAL  AID in  your  town  or  City  and  get  your  self  some  brochures  on  Tenants  Rights   or  talk  to  some  one  and  they  might  be  able  to  help  you  and    guide  you  on  what  to  do  ,read  the  brochures  and  understand,you  have  a  few  weeks  or  months  before  they  can even   put  you  on  the  streets ,don't  say  anything  foolish,get  the  authorities  involve.GOOD  LUCK

  2. go to the cash cow and get some cash now so you can pay some rent.  that will hold off eviction for a while.

  3. Evictions go through Municiple Court.  Go to the website for your county and there should be a link.

  4. If you got an eviction notice it usually means you did something wrong like not pay your rent, Get a Job and pay your rent.

  5. There is usually a Tenant Landlord Tribune somewhere in your town. I dont know where to find it though

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