
How do I get a strong arm for baseball?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5'5 and around 125 lbs. I'm gonna try out for baseball, I'll probably be put at as a outfield but I'm not sure, but I've noticed that I can't seem to throw the ball far, and I know I need a good arm for baseball especially when it comes to double plays. Any excercises to get a strong arm for baseball?

Thank you.




  1. play long toss, always throw with a four seam grip, you may want to try weighted baseballs

  2. Long toss is the best way. Don't try any complicated drills.

  3. Always research before taking advice.

    Try this website....

    Good Luck! :)

  4. long toss with a four seemed grip for as long as it takes you for your arm to feel tired every other day. also look into getting a "yolk" its like a bungi cord that you attech to a wall and just bend your arm at the elbow multiple times while holding onto it

  5. throw with someone, start out close then work real real far apart, more distance consistently over a few weeks you will see some results

  6. long toss

  7. lots and lots of long toss.

    don't throw too much or you can get a sore arm and the more time you take to heal, the less time you have to practice.

    and by the way, don't throw side-arm because that will lead to elbow and wrist problems.

    hopefully i helped.

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