
How do I get a teaching job? Interview tips? Current teachers only please?

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I am already qualified just have had trouble even getting interviews, wondering what worked for others, not general advice which I've already read.




  1. Actually go to the school to leave your resume with the principal.  I interviewed for a position and didn't get it.  But, over the summer, I sent a note to the principal reminding her that I hoped to work there and was still available.  I was hired the week before school started.  (Smaller, lower-paying private school.)  It was/is somewhat hard for me because I have an alternative licensing and some schools are afraid of that.

    My friend put together a portfolio and took that with her to interviews.

    I'd say you need to make sure you sound confident - that goes a long way when the principal really knows nothing about you.  They take such a risk hiring since it is so hard (around here) to let someone go, plus they're stuck with you for 9-10 months, entrusting those kids to you.

    God bless!  Hope you find a job soon.  I know it's stressful!

  2. Go and MEET the principal TOMORROW!  Do this before teachers and kids start coming back demanding schedules and rooms with air conditioning...

    Call the school first, and ask the secretary when it's a good time to drop by, leave a resume and chat with the principal.  Then do it.  When you meet him, be sure to know a little about the school, and say things like how you've been dying to visit this school because you're so interested in their ____________________ program or drill team or whatever.  Tell how you took classes and made units related to the achievement gap or improving test scores.  

    Only keep him/her about 8 minutes and then bounce.  This will impress him/her.  

    don't go there sounding desperate; just well informed, but eager to put to use all of the skills you've acquired over the years :)

  3. agree with the others.  They can never see you/your resume enough.  Fax it, mail it, email it, go to the school and meet the principal (although I would call ahead because they can be a lil busy during the summers) and give your resume to him directly!!!  Do follow ups after you send your resume (if you can't go to the school).  If you applied at the district office then all they do is send your name and credentials to the principals. Only problem is your name is on a list with allllll the others that are applying too.  You have to stand out by making sure the principal sees your name more than once....and of course the powers of prayer are amazing!!!  good luck, i'll say a prayer for ya.

  4. Apply everywhere! And do follow up phone calls to see if they received your packet.

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