
How do I get abs with my body type?

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I'm 5'11" and weight ~135 pounds. I may appear to look really thin when clothed, but I seem to have a belly that I cant get rid off. I know you get abs when there's barely any fat so that muscles show through. I did loose weight really fast when i was going through puberty 6 years ago, being chubby then, so maybe my belly is really skin? So can anyone recommend gym machines because I really detestpush upss and crunches. Also, while on the subject, what machine tones up the chest because I have a hint of man-b***s...... -_-




  1. For your chest free weights are going to be your best friend. They will tone you and add definition to your chest while also helping you build muscle.

    Honestly the best way to work on a stomach is going to be crunches. I would do differantiations of crunches every day to keep your body guessing. Also learn to love push ups and crunches. Do 20 pushups and 20 crunches every night before you go to bed on top of your regular routine and add 5 reps on every week. Or even more if you feel like youre really improving. This will help you a more than you think (i noticed results after 4-5 days!)  and you will even sleep better.

    Go to for great tips and workout techniques, and the best prices on supplements and clothing.

    Also check out 8 minute abs on youtube. I bet you wont be able to do the whole thing through!

    ( A little motivation for you ! ;)

  2. man up and do push ups. that's why you are where you are right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have an exercise for you. Get a medicine ball. Lay on your back. Straighten your legs. Raise your feet so they are just off the ground, Lift your shoulders off the ground too.

    Slowly, with shoulders and feet still off the ground, hold the ball, and outstretch your arms straight, rock your straight arms back so that if you were standing vertically your arms would be above your head. take it back so that the medicine ball is as close to the ground as it can be without your shoulders touching the ground.

    Then rock it all the way forward SLOWLY while lying in the same position, so that the only thing that moves is your arms, in a straight arc. Don't bend your arms and again, keep feet and shoulders off the ground at all times.

    Then from there do the same thing back to position 1 and back to pos. 2, etc. Sets of 12 should do. Remember to do it slowly and dont let your feet and shoulders touch the ground, or its useless.

    After a while get another lighter medicine ball or a weight or something and sit it on ur feet b4 the set.


    That should strengthen your abs and cut them down a bit too. Also, like alot of the time, my advice is to punch a boxing bag. Exhaust yourself. It will cut fat, FAST.

    for the chest, get dumbbells and do some laying dumbbell flyes, or some laying dumbbell presses.

    But push-ups imo are by far the best thing to cut up the chest.

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