
How do I get adhesive off a wall?

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The people we bought this house from put borders up all over the house, but they are stuck down with a very strong adhesive. Either the paint comes off the wall or not all of the there any quick way that I can remove these borders?




  1. When I did it, I just really doused them with water, then used a scrapper.

    I've also heard from a lot of home improvement shows that you can mix water and fabric softener to do the trick.

  2. Acetone on a cloth does the trick for me (nail polish remover) also goo gone! amazing stuff

  3. Try using a product called Goo Gone. It works really good at getting sticky stuff off of surfaces

  4. You need a wallpaper remover solution. Go to home depot or lowes and buy it and the wallpaer scorer also.

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