
How do I get an RSS feed to my blog - it comes up with URL invalid!?

by  |  earlier

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Since the pages were updated this feature doesn't seem to work - how do I link my blog now??




  1. Actually, the RSS feeds module has been buggy all along. It stopped working in late November, but recently something must have pinged and it's working slightly again.

    See my past answer on this topic here:;...


    But here are my instructions on how to do this, with additional resources to boot:

    - Go to any the site that you want to get the feed from. Look for the "RSS or XML" link or orange RSS button (okay, sometimes it's a different color). A RSS file will come up on the next page. (If the page looks like raw code, but don't let it scare you!).

    NOTE: If the XML page doesn't come up, click on an option in the RSS pulldown menu at the top, but don't follow through with it. Go back out and try clicking on the RSS link again.

    - To add the RSS URL to your Yahoo! 360° Feeds module, click on the "XML/RSS" button, select the URL found in the address bar of your browser, then use "Ctrl-C" on your keyboard to copy that address.

    - Click the "Add a Feed (via RSS)" in your Feeds module on your "My Page" in 360. Use "Ctrl-V" to paste the URL into the "Add a feed" space in that page. When you're done, click the "Save" button below.

    NOTE: Please note that feeds are updated on a schedule, so it may take a few hours (ACTUALLY - now months and weeks) for it to appear... if at all.

    WARNING: Getting the link to be accepted without an error can take SEVERAL tries. I mean, SEVERAL. No kidding, even if you have the correct URL. The module is buggy. But I have eventually been successful in every feed that I've tried to add. See my answers here for tips:;... and;... .

    The general help page has instructions -

    Then, the Yahoo team's blog has a post on the subject at -

    Even more information is available at .

    FYI: Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. There has not been a more specific date announced on the blog yet, so it could happen any time between January and end of March 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. It likely will not be called 360 anymore, so yes, it's closing in a sense. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about those.

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