
How do I get an audition for a NYC broadway show?

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Do I have to be apart of a company or have an agent to get an audition on broadway? What do you have to do in an audition and is it really hard? Thanks so much




  1. You need:

    1.) An agent*

    2.) Headshots

    3.) To be a member of Equity, the actor's union (you can get your Equity card by appearing in  professional shows. They have a point system, after so many points you get your card and are in the Union. They can just GIVE you your card, but this is usually reserved for established film actors who are doing Broadway shows).

    *you don't need an agent for open calls, but these are EXTREMELY rare for Broadway

    you should expect to sing, dance, deliver a monologue, possibly do readings from the show with other actors, sight read music fro mthe show, and undergo serious physical scrutiny (a male friend of mine auditioned for Spamalot, and the first thing they told him at the audition was "remove your shirt please").

    Hope this helps...don't be discouraged!!

  2. Other then what the poster above me said youa also need a lot of patience! You will get a lot of nos before you get a yes. Not to scare you but it's a fact that 99% of Equity actors are unemployed

  3. If you are under 18, you have to have your parents' permission.

    Getting an audition is relatively simple. If you have an NYC legit (as opposed to commercial) agent, ask them to submit you.

    If not, a weekly industry publication called Backstage has a listing of all Broadway auditions.  Actors' Equity requires they hold what are called "open calls" and "six month required auditions".  

    People line up beginning around 5AM at the appointed place, and in that order they are permitted to pick a time until all slots are filled. Usually they go in 5-10 minute increments from 9AM to 4PM or 5PM, with an hour lunch break.

    Non-Equity people can sign up on a waiting list, and if at the end of the day all slots are unfilled (or enough people miss/skip their timeslot), the lucky few get to audition.

    Practically insurmountable odds, but not impossible.  A friend of mine jumped in his car and drove from Indiana to NYC, waited all day, got an audition and-- without an agent or any professional credits, just a boatload of talent-- booked the nat'l tour of HAIR and has played the lead in four Broadway shows to date.

    You'll need headshots, resumes, monologues and-- if it's musicals you're interested in-- several songs and the ability to make it through many chorus calls.

    Hope this helps.

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