
How do I get avoid paying child support? I make $150k per/year online?

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I've been working online for a few years and make good money but my child support just keeps going up and up all the time as I make more. Its gotten to the point now where I'm not even motivated to work hard any more because I know that all my money is just going to go to my ex wife.

Is there any way I can set up like a corporation or something where it would mask my income so that I wouldn't have to pay?

Please, I'm very serious about this and its important that I find a way to do this. If you are one of those people that when they see the words "avoid" and "child support" in a sentence and black out into a man hating feminist rage the please don't answer.





  1. u ****** a*****e my dad did the same thing u ****** cheap b******s if u dont wanna take responsibilty for kids u should of used a ****** condom a*****e u ****** sicken me u cheap ****** c**k sucker

  2. And please do us all a favor and get a vasectomy.  Don't have more children if you aren't going to pay for the ones you already had.

    One of my major pet peeves is hearing wife #2 whine about a tax refund being offset for back child support to wife #1.  "But what about my kids? I don't care about *her* kids."  Or hearing wife #1 whine that since wife #2 can file an injured spouse claim, wife #1 won't get the offset money for six months after it's been withheld.  

  3. I think starting an LLC is a great idea!  Your wife shouldn't have to piggy back off of you.  Your child support shouldn't have to keep going up all the time.  thats BS if you ask me.  All child support is is a tax free paycheck for the women.  Plus, I noticed some of the other people who answered "blacked out" lmao!  

    Good luck with your new business plan!

  4. i don't understand..why don't you feel you shouldn't pay child brought them into this should help support them..or don't you feel that is you responsibility

  5. The only way I know of anywhere in the world is to apply for joint custody of the child or children, that way what ever costs are incurred in raising the child is equally split between the 2 of you, hope this helps, goodluck! :)

  6. Apparently everyone is reading something I'm not reading, because correct me if i am wrong, he is not saying he doesn't want to pay child support.  He is saying that because his income increases so does the child support, which I don't see why it should double or triple if he is already paying a good amount.  

    The answer to your question i don't know.  

    Good luck!  But if you aren't paying at all then, or if you are in arrears then the payment amount should go up.

  7. Of course there isn't!  And since you're pulling down $150k per year, don't expect to get ANY sympathy from anyone, even other deadbeats.  

    It's one thing to have a gripe when pulling down minimum wage and dealing with a 30% hit for child support.  It's entirely another matter to be well off financially and simply not care enough to take care of your kids.

    You're in a position to have a good life and take care of your kids.  Man up and do what you know you are supposed to do.  Your only other option is to be a sniveling self-centered dirtbag; it's YOUR call.  But with your income you may not get to make that call and if I were your ex's and kids' attorney, I'd make your life a living financial h**l.

    And BTW, this isn't some "man hating feminist rage" as you put it.  I took care of my kid every day on less than 1/4 of your income.  Are you man enough to be as much a man as I am?  Or are you just a "sperm donor?"

  8. You must admit that you were asking for it if you think you should avoid paying child support. But there is no need for rudeness. You must first know that the money is not just going to your ex-wife afterall it is called child support and those if the children are living with her then they must be supported somehow. Since you have done the right thing and are taking responsibility this I understand you want to do but you just don't want to give as much as they are taking. Such is life in our govermental system, the more you make the more they take.

    If you do not like the way things are going you could take custoday of them yourself by going to court and let them know you can provide a good home for your children this way you can manage the spending better. If that is not for you, then you could split the deduction with your ex wife during tax time to give you a little break.

    If you take the children all together be prepared to pay alimony to the ex-wife which could turn out to be much less than child support and perhaps more worth it.

    Depending on the spending habits of the ex wife and your children's needs maybe you do pay too much, you need to honestly evaluate that. Not knowing the details I can only offer what I have here.

  9. so your making 150K a year and feel you shouldn't have any responsibility to take care of your kids.   You are the definition of a dirtbag. If you didn't want to take care of your children maybe you should have wore a rubber.

  10. If you don't want to support your kids, you shouldn't have had them.  There is no legal way for you to avoid the child support.

    You say that all your money is just going to go to your ex - and speaking of rage, sounds like you have some in that direction.  First of all, not ALL of your money is going out in support.  Secondly, OK, it GOES to her, but she has to spend at least SOME of it on the kids - somebody is feeding and clothing them, and providing a roof over their heads.

    Setting up a corporation won't change your child support, it would just end up costing you more in taxes to file a corporate return AND a personal one, which wouldn't make much sense.  

  11. I'd think you would need a lawyer.  You may be able to put the money, the increases, into a trust for the kids.  Or somehow keep the ex- out of the loop..  

    Not sure I would be worrying about it if I made 150K.  

    What's the divorce papers say about how much?  And do they need some judge to keep increasing it?  

    Get some leagal advice from a real person.    

  12. JOE,

    That's the point of posting here, you're asking millions of yahoos to respond, and you can't limit who does with self-justifying limitations.  When I see "Avoid and child support" in a sentence, I don't black out into a man hating feminist rage.  Please, I'm very serious, and for your information I am happily married 30 years, never divorced.   I despise men who equate child support with money to their ex wife and who try to avoid supporting their children.  This is for the support of YOUR child/children.  They deserve the love and support of both parents even when they don't work and make a go of the marriage, particularly when they don't make a go of the marriage.  The Ex has that child/children 24 hours a day and being a single parent is very, very difficult, regardless of the child support they receive.  They need the child support to put a roof over their child, to feed, clothe them, educate and entertain them.  And yes, that means some of the money goes to put a roof over your Ex's head too, but your Ex is there for your child, and needs that roof to care for your child.  Look at the stats, single mothers are the largest component of poverty-level households in the US, and it's largely because of deadbeat dads who don't financially support their children.

    There are limits in all states of the percentage of your income that can be taken to go to support your children.  Some support awards are based on a percentage of income, some a set dollar amount.  Modifications of child support are possible, upon showing that the needs of the children have changed, financial ability of payor has changed, changes in circumstances for either ex.  You can petition for modification at any time, but the judge, unlike your posted statement, is looking at the best interests of YOUR child.

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