
How do I get away from an abusive boyfriend? He was physically abusive a couple years ago and we split up.?

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How do I get away from an abusive boyfriend? He was physically abusive a couple years ago and we split up.?




  1. Get away and don't look back.  You have to stop taking his calls, change your phone number, let friends and family know what is going one and if at the worst get TRO.

  2. If he has been abusive, threatening, stalking or harassing you recently (not just two years ago) then what you need to do is immediately go to the court house and file for an order of protection.  In Missouri - there is first an exparte order of protection which grants you immediate relief the moment he his served papers, which usually done by the sheriff - so you need to know where law enforcement can find him on a particular day and time, like at work, at home, at his bowling league night, etc.  Then there may also be a court date which would solidify the exparte order of protection to a specific time framed Restraining Order.  Be careful, grow eyes in the back of your head, do not open the door to anyone you don't know, carry mace with you, keep a cell phone in your hand with 911 ready to be dialed.  Protect your self girlfriend.

  3. Cut him off. Don't talk to him. Don't read his emails or texts. Don't hang out where he hangs out. Tell him to get lost, then cut him off completely. If he continues to try to get into your life, call the cops and report him for stalking and get a restraining order against him.

    And if he ever physically hurts you again, call the cops immediately. Doesn't matter what your relationship is, assault and battery is still assault and battery.

    Good luck!

  4. See a lawyer about getting an injunction.

  5. Report him to the police if he keeps bothering you. Get a restraining order. Or go to self defence classes if needs be. Just to protect yourself.  

  6. The best way to get away is to stay away.

    Does that make sense? He was abusive a couple of years ago... if that's the case then we shouldn't still be hearing about him. You should've filed the protection order against him and been on your way. Looks like you stayed... And if you two split up then why do you need our advice? Stop going back to an unhealthy situation. A man who truly loves you would never and I repeat never put his hands on you.  

  7. Get a boyfriend that is bigger than him.

  8. get a restraining order

  9. File a restraining order.

    Please answer mine:;...


  11. My Dear,

    Please, I beg you leave him and don't look back. You have to realize that you are more then him. I know he tells you that he loves you, and he is sorry for what he did. Then I would imagine you go and have great s*x. Until the next hit, and then the cycle starts all over again. Is this really how you want to live. Its you are him, and God forbid children are involved, because they suffer most. I pray for you now. Its your choice! What would you tell your daughter?

  12. It's simple! just stop talking to him n tell him its over. You are not married, so it should be no problem.

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