
How do I get back in the habit of waking up early?

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I'm going into high school this year and i have to wake up really early. I've been going to bed at about 12:15 - 1:00 lately and when school starts I have to wake up between 5:00am- and do I get back in the habit of going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier (i've been waking up at 11) also, when should I go to sleep at night?




  1. You should probably start to go to sleep around 10-10:30 in a week or so. This way you'll be used to it by the time school comes around. You'll never wake up that early in the morning so you'll just have to set an alarm every day. I have been doing it for a few years now and it seems to work pretty well. Waking up that early you'll always be tired no matter how early you go to sleep, trust me on that one

  2. I wake myself up between 8 and 9, even if I stayed up late. You could even try getting up earlier than that. If I go to bed around 2 and get up at 8, I'm so tired I end up going to bed earlier,  thus causing me to wake up earlier, and the cycle repeats. Even if it tortures you to get up that early, do it.  

  3. Well, try to slowly change your sleeping habits in a week. Each day, go to bed 1 hr earlier than you did before and wake up earlier than you normally would. Soon you'll get back into the habit of going to bed early and waking up in the morning before the sun rises.

    Or you could just set your alarm to 5:30 on the first day of school. It's a "gimme" day anyway and with all the confusion and chaos of the first few days of school, it'll hardly be noticed.  

  4. Heres what i do I set an alarm and get it to play a super hardcore rock song.....

  5. Try adjusting a little at a time. Don't take naps in the daytime when you haven't had enough sleep, so you'll be tired earlier. Don't drink caffeine after noon so your body will be able to rest when it's time. And don't sleep late on weekends or your body will never get used to the early hours.

  6. first make a drastic change in  your sleeptime like 3-5 hr befroe you usually sleep the ease in to it like 30 mins earlier every day/week

  7. me too. i have been going to bed real late and monday(school starts) i have to wake up between 5 and 5:30 and im used to waking up at eleven. oh yeah im also going into high school this year. :D

    i might practice waking up early and start going to bed earlier. and  i guess ill just have a lot of caffine and sugar monday morning! (lol)

    good luck waking up early and with high school! :D

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