
How do I get back into shape to make the football team?

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I was studying abroad so I haven't played in a year. I am a) slow, for lack of working out, b) not as good skill-wise as I used to be, c) weaker from not kicking/playing. I don't have a team to play with, and I have a month before I try out for the team.

How do I get back into football shape so that I have a chance to make the team (I'm naturally really good, so even without work, I'll probably make it, I just don't want to absolutely stink!)

Anyone have a workout plan/idea of how to get back into shape?




  1. im actually in the process of doing the same thing! I took a ball to a local park with a field and would work on my touch, footwork and running suicides with the ball by myself, 1 day a week a friend would tag along. One lucky day i ran into a local pickup team and started weekly games with them. You never know what you'll run into but grab a ball and start playing.

  2. Run, run and run some more. Until you puke. Then run some more.

  3. One very important aspect you have to work on is not your skills, but it's your speed and stamina. so you better start doing that again. you can improve your speed by just running a lot for long periods of time, that will get you more endurable at running too do a lot of biking, which gets your feet stronger, meaning you can run faster. Swimming and lifting weight dramatically improves stamina, so do that. Once you get stronger and faster, you can now work on your skills. first: ball control. You can set up cones on a field and try to run around them with a ball as fast as you can. You'll notice the more you'll do it, the faster you'll be able to do it and that means you can control the ball better already. Then work on your passes and shoots accuracy and power. just set up a target that's far away from you and try to hit it. with a lot of training, you'll get better. now, dribbling skills, the best thing you can do to improve is just play actual games.

    Good Luck!!!


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