This is a serious question so please only reply if you know what you are talking about. No jokes and no conjecture.
Up until my senior year of college I suffered (well maybe that's not the right word) I envisioned things long before they occurred, but this typically happened in dreams. I am a lucid dreamer and when these instances happened I could not control what I saw or what occurred in my dreams. It became a problem because I was so busy with school and life, and some of the things I saw scared me so I actively tried to stop the visions and I purposely have tried to sleep fewer hours so I will not remember my dreams. Now, like 6 years later I can't seem to get it back. I have time to deal with it now, and if I could learn to control it I want it back. One good thing is that I don't get migraines anymore. How do I get just the psychic ability back?